
10.12.20 Клиенттер
Anti-crisis solutions KK

The period of economic shock is coming to an end and some companies have begun proactive measures to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. What tools do they use?

In March, the problems of switching to remote work, security and manageability were solved by many reactively. Now the period of adaptation to new management and business practices has begun. RoxExpert found that 70% of managers consider their stress levels to be lower than those of their subordinates. At the same time, they believe that their motivation has remained at the same level.

Some companies have achieved this by supporting their employees in setting up their workplace or reallocating work and personal time. Others focused on training, additional vacation time, and new employee care programs. Beeline introduced a large number of informal meetings with top management, activities for employees (yoga, book club), sessions with psychologists and coaches. The alarm level has halved in 6 weeks.

Among some managers, a trend has begun to be observed where the role of strict control is declining in favor of strengthening relationships with employees. Clarification of expectations, rules of the game and its goals during uncertainty gives results in the form of increased concentration of a person on what he understands-work.