

The industry specialization of WE Partners involves the deep immersion of each consultant in the context and current trends of his or her sector of the economy.

We build trusting, long-term relationships with industry leaders, often spanning decades of career development.

Understanding the features of leadership competencies and potential, the possibilities of attracting leaders with new industrial experience to the industry, knowledge of the strengths of current leaders allow us to propose solutions supported by exhaustive arguments.

The industrial sector of Kazakhstan, due to the unique natural resources and historically established specialization, determines the growth of the economy of Kazakhstan significantly. The chemical industry, machine construction, transport, infrastructure projects have always been distinguished by a high management level, yet new challenges of the global economy require new competencies. The modern leader is required to be:

  • Open to digital technologies, understand how the sector can apply digital solutions in the near future.
  • Entrepreneurial, proactive.
  • Skilled in management and project administration, taker personal responsibility for the result.
  • Able to build cross-functional interaction.
  • Dynamic, able to withstand and maintain a high rate of change.

The active development of the national economy requires the most modern financial infrastructure – from retail to corporate services. Digitalization, changing social, political and economic environment pose new challenges to shareholders, CEOs, management teams, Boards of Directors of banks, investment funds, insurance companies. Today it is important for a leader to be able to:

  • Accept and implement changes quickly.
  • Adapt the pace of thinking and life to new conditions.
  • To inspire and motivate the team in a situation of uncertainty, constant pressure.
  • Find and launch hidden company and team resources.
  • Remain stable and persistent in the implementation of transformation projects.
  • Develop talent and create new and innovative. Stay ahead of the market and change.

The accessible Internet open the whole world to consumers to find everything they need – from clothes, household appliances to a variety of digital content.  This changes interaction of consumers with retail chains and favorite brands. The unique geographical position of Kazakhstan makes it open to both the consumer trends of the Asian region and the European one.

All this requires retailers to optimize business processes and management structures, create and configure effective procurement, logistics and production systems. Changing customer preferences, the emergence of new generations of consumers makes brands pay more attention not only to the product itself, but first of all to marketing communications, clear brand positioning and focused work with them.

The telecommunications sector is undergoing a major transformation around the world – being at the forefront of technological innovation, this business must rebuild equally effective approaches to managing and configuring business processes. The understanding of the priority competencies of a successful leader is changing – the following are coming to the fore:

  • Leadership – the ability to create and inspire a team, keep the team motivated at a high level;
  • Resilience – the ability to withstand uncertainty
  • Client orientation – the ability not only to see a product or service through the eyes of a client, but also to set up processes within the company so that the client and his needs remain the focus of attention at every stage

International players and Kazakhstan companies need the new type of leaders – not just high-class professionals, but agile leaders who are learning from experience, receptive to innovation, able to create customer-oriented companies.

WE Partners confidently solves the challenges of building strong leadership teams, relying on in-depth knowledge of the industry, familiarity with key market leaders.

WE Partners owns a wide range of valid tools for assessing the potential and leadership competencies of applicants. A wide network of professional contacts with international consultants and experts allows us to search in all countries of the world, to identify and take into account trends in talent management at the time of their emergence.

Dariya Kardymon
Partner, Executive Search and LTC for FMCG, Oil & Gas and Telecommunication sectors

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